What is open pedagogy?

Open pedagogy is an educational approach that aim to help everyone to get access to free educational resources. It uses open resources to enhance learning and encouraging students to be part of the education progress, instead of just the reciever. This helps the students to participate in the education and the educators can focus more on the interaction with the students.

The Role and Impact of OER?

Different from the traditional education resources, open eudcational resources not only allow educators to freely use and sharing, but also allow educators to edit and adapt the resources for the users. These recources usually have higher quality, more flexible to use, and easier to get comparing with traditional learning resources. It is an important tool that are licensed for the educators to tailor and fit for specific types of learners, which gives it higher effecitive.

Global Trends in OER:

As many countries are adopting OER globaly, this is caused mostly by the increasing economics and technology, and can increase the education effectiveness by a huge amount. Both domesitc policy and international trend toward the usage of OER encourage that students can easily get acess to the OER not only from domestic webistes, but also lisenced knowledge from abroad. For example, the increasing reproduction of the Youtube videos in China, along with other leanring videos and articles are becoming popular for Chinese people, and people can get acess to it freely without any barriers.

Attributes of Open Pedagogy:

From my perspective, the student-centered attribute of OER is very closely related to my study, using humanized and user-kindly educational resources can increase my learning effcient. I can share and discuss those knowledge with other sutdents to cross-reference the stuff and reinforce the memory. The transperency helps the others to a more obvious learning environment, which encourages the others to join into the OER learning. The collabration and sharing is also important in daily studying, the instructor should can construct a more transparent leraning progress with the students, enhance the interaction within the class, let any students to have a fun and relaxing learning environment.