Q1: What digital platforms are students currently using to develop their professional network?

As for we students, there are plenty of social networks for us to develop our porfessional network. For example the Zoom meeting is a widely chosen network from professors during the course. By engaging in those online meeting, students can communicate with the professor and other students through the internet, share their ideas and work progress, and do group discussions online. For me personally, discord is also a convenient network platform. I usually use discord when communicating with friends and make friends. By using its mutiple functions related to online gaming, i can also share and enjoy various information through it.

Q2: What could the student consider in expanding their professional learning network?

To expand one’s professional learning network, communicating with professors or company crews will be a good choice. By helping professors on campus such as course assistants, one can ask professors for more chances to get to know more people in professional field. When students want to expand their PLN for their future job, they can make an coffee appointment with some company crews and interviewers, and know more about the job situations.

Q3: How does data privacy and security limit and/or promote a PLN?

Limitation: Online plagiarism like unauthorized citation and even stealing could prevent people from sharing information and ideas freely. And in some areas or countries there are internet restriction, which could block people out from some websites.

Promotion: With the data privacy control, people can be in a more secure internet environment and thus promote people to engage in the networks.

Q4: In your network how can you create a digital identity/reputation?

First of all, i can post a brief self-introduction to the platform, along with a photo of myself ( or a picture of other things that i like). If i have any work experience or background, i can share it to the people. If not, i can also share my education background. Telling people my personal interests and some daily excercise will be good, those can help get my relationship with other people closer. I can also share some of my personal contact method, like the e-mail address and discord username maybe.

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